gas pain


Tweets about gas pain

  • @Barron1123 well believe it or not. I was rooting for Michigan. And I already have gas pain. So take that!
  • @bodonnell3 I hope you get terrible gas pain
  • Thanks to all my #Mohrriors My son appears to be fine. Gas pain and a hit to the stomach at football practice were the culprits. #We
  • RT @knwalker1979: #gastricsleeve went fantastic yesterday!Only pain is gas pain and subsiding Thank you #drJamiePonceDeLeon and your amazin…
  • Awake & miserable. But ecstatic because I just figured out why I've been getting horrible gas pain my whole life: I have celiac! #glutenbad
  • I ask for coffee or prune juice to help with my gas pain n get an oxi...uh ok
  • hate when I don't eat on time , gas pain not a joke thing
  • #gastricsleeve went fantastic yesterday!Only pain is gas pain and subsiding Thank you #drJamiePonceDeLeon and your amazing team! #bariatric
  • @RashawnMeerza my thoughts is that you have gas pain from not eating but taking an antiacid should help but see a doctor for suree
  • @markschlereth you're a funny sum beeatch....must be gas pain from the Stinkin Good.
  • @kmdaviss I am going to say gas pain, cramps, or a pulled muscle are all more likely than growing pains!!
  • Tall ever had a bad gas pain that's right in your navel😩😩😩OMG I WANT TO CRY
  • When your teacher tells you she has a gas pain... #TMI
  • Gas pain making me curl in a ball, listening to 'Christmas vacation' #wildnight #neversleepagain
  • @DetroitOnLion I chose to watch the episode. I love this: "Torture Land. Explosion Land. Searing Gas Pain Land. Unnecessary Surgery Land."
  • Sacrificed all my other calories today to eat all-you-can-eat Japanese. Paying for it now with indigestion and gas pain. :D
  • @thejohnhogan Searing gas pain? You may have a ghost in your intestine.
  • "Searing gas pain-land?"
  • I'm watching this guy text his girlfriend on his Mac telling her details of his diarrhea and gas pain last night
  • @ASkylineDiver Not a gas pain? No problems like diverticulitis?
  • this gas pain moved from my back to my side...😣
  • @MySleeveLife They said I did great! It took him 38 mins instead of 90 mins lol he's awesome. I'm feelin great. No gas pain anymore. Thanks!
  • Gas pain
  • gas pain or gastritis - Bubblews via @GoBubblews
  • is my heart failing or is this gas pain. that's the real question
  • This gas pain ain’t great tho.
  • Torture Land. Explosion Land. Searing Gas Pain Land. Unnecessary Surgery Land. #fb
  • i dont feel well #sickness #bloated #headache #gas #pain #blurredvision #stress #shakes #ulcer #footblister #sore back #runnynose #prayforus
  • @_Laughter for the gas pain, my sis in law found having her upper back & shoulders rubbed really helped shift it. Good luck! Xx
  • This gas pain is no joke.
  • All these damn side effects from going under. Cough, sore throat, swollen lips, gas pain. Ah this sucks. Not to mention pain from the wound.
  • gas pain :'(
  • Since yesterday i have this gas pain. I am wondering if this because of several acupuncture needles on my tummy.
  • Oww, searing gas pain.
  • Gas pain *dies*
  • And the extreme gas pain that comes along with chugging Aloe drinks, but this colon needs to be cleansed
  • How long did you experience surgical gas pain after a robotic hysterectomy?
  • I'm about to act like I left something in the car... this gas pain is serious... turn his dreads into a bald fade
  • gas pain feels..... πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
  • It seems to us: Quench that Bills thirst, our gas pain persists and a few calories to the good
  • Gas pain from hell
  • Forget chikungunya, when gas pain lick yuh, yuh c beanie #painnotnormal