

thumb|350px|[[G cell is visible near bottom left, and gastrin is labeled as the two black arrows leading from it. Note: this diagram does not illustrate gastrin's stimulatory effect on ECL cells.

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  • ตอนนี้ gastrin กำลัง ax HCl 😭
  • Great job! @muhammadasimmal @Hrishi_V A7: When you suspect a pt of gastrnoma - initial diagnostic test is to check serum gastrin level
  • @knowmedge Sorry, mixed it up with carcinoid. S. gastrin should be it.
  • @knowmedge serum Gastrin levels...
  • @knowmedge serum gastrin levels
  • RT @an_chem: Antibody-free biomarker determination: exploring molecularly imprinted polymers for pro gastrin releasing peptide
  • 2014 02 03 - SOPHIE GASTRIN
  • Antibody-free biomarker determination: exploring molecularly imprinted polymers for pro gastrin releasing peptide
  • #Gastrin is released from called G cells, in response to a meal. Protein, peptides and amino acids..
  • RT @WOWFAKTA: Kadang lebih baik diam daripada menceritakan masalah Anda, karena Anda tahu sebagian orang hanya penasaran, bukan karena mere…
  • gastrin prangas @angkatantua #crut
  • verba etnomusikolog gastrin @martin_stmg #MartinGanteng
  • True or false? stimulate(#Gastrin, #CellSecretion) #Somatostatin
  • Ca↑でgastrin↑の機序も謎。成書に記載なし,調べても知恵袋しか引っかからない。知恵袋によると,G細胞にCa受容体があるから,らしいけど……