genetic defects


A genetic isorder is a condition caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes. While some diseases, such as cancer, are due to genetic abnormalities acquired in a few cells during life, the term "genetic disease" most commonly refers to diseases present in all cells of the body and present since conception. Some genetic disorders are caused by chromosomal abnormalities due to errors in meiosis, the process which produces reproductive cells such as sperm and eggs. Examples include Down syndrome (extra chromosome 21), Turner Syndrome (45X0) and Klinefelter's syndrome (a male with 2 X chromosomes). Other genetic changes may occur during the production of germ cells by the parent. One example is the triplet expansion repeat mutations which can cause fragile X syndrome or Huntington's disease. Defective genes may also be inherited intact from the parents. This can often happen unexpectedly when two healthy carriers of a defective recessive gene reproduce, but can also happen when the defective gene is dominant. Currently about 4,000 genetic disorders are known, with more being discovered. Most disorders are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or millions. Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common genetic disorders; around 5% of the population of the United States carry at least one copy of the defective gene. Some types of recessive gene disorder confer an advantage in the heterozygous state in certain environments.

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Tweets about genetic defects

  • RT @justabloodygame: "My son, one day all this will be yours," I say grandly, sweeping my hand over reams of medical charts that explain al…
  • RT @BalancedDogs: Dog owners have "gone to war" with Kennel Club over genetic defects in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 
  • Dog owners have "gone to war" with Kennel Club over genetic defects in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 
  • RT @CavalierMatter1: Dog owners have "gone to war" with Kennel Club over genetic defects in Cavalier King Charles...
  • Identification of Genetic Alterations, as Causative Genetic Defects in Long QT Syndrome, Using Next Generation…
  • Dog owners have "gone to war" with Kennel Club over genetic defects in Cavalier King Charles...
  • DNA sequencing helps identify genetic defects in glaucoma
  • RT @DirtyFlacko_: In high school my teachers thought I was smoking stress, didn't know my eyes low cause of genetic defects
  • In high school my teachers thought I was smoking stress, didn't know my eyes low cause of genetic defects
  • They didnt know my eyes were low because of genetic defects
  • Highschool teachers thought I was smoking stress they ain't know my eyes stay low from genetic defects
  • @Prophecy_YEC @TrvthBeTold_ @BiasBe @MYirrell People don't live to 900 years old today. Incest causes genetic defects today..
  • Why wasn't inbreeding a problem for prehistoric humans?: Inbreeding leads to genetic defects and disorders. An...
  • RT @apex_07_: They thought that I was smoking stress... Didn't know my eyes low because of genetic defects👌😏
  • They thought that I was smoking stress... Didn't know my eyes low because of genetic defects👌😏
  • Possible genetic defects in baby. Sister is fine but exhausted.
  • #Grumpy #Cat turns #genetic #defects: #feline #dwarfism & an #underbite into a $100 #million #empire
  • U.S. use of Depleted Uranium in #Iraq is causing devastating genetic defects: via @YouTube
  • I feel like we should not be God, only should be used for genetic defects. #ENG201Fall
  • RT @davidbritain7: Just seen Mohammed on his way to Friday prayers. Who ever said Muslamic inbreeding could cause genetic defects?
  • @AnnaTetraYay XD. Joa mal schauen. Hab ja noch zu lesen XD. Dir kann ich 'n Tipp geben "Genetic Defects". Weißt nicht ob du's kennst.
  • It's intriguing to me that PCR's can detect genetic defects in embryos by collecting one single DNA strand & amplifying it's DNA.
  • My genetic defects have gotten me nowhere in life, and yet #GrumpyCat turned her genetic defect into a $100 million empire...damn this cat!
  • @CheriseLWrites Haha yeah! Trying to figure out how I can cash in on some of MY genetic defects! I CAN BE GRUMPY TOO! ;-)
  • Grumpy cat go to the $ 100 million Empire of genetic defects: A cat, do not perform any…
  • RT @GeorgeBates8: @Dwyertd @bselcoe @Jimmyha33 @AiG If life took millions of years genetic defects would have wiped us out as they soon wil…
  • @Dwyertd @bselcoe @Jimmyha33 @AiG If life took millions of years genetic defects would have wiped us out as they soon will in 1000 or so
  • my teachers thought i was smokin stress , didnt know my eyes low cause of genetic defects
  • @micworker @MaureenShilaly @HomerWhite @LawnmowerThomas Some genetic defects cannot be detected until much later in pregnancy.
  • Teachers thought I was smoking stress. Didn't know my eyes low from genetic defects
  • Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without genetic defects by small molecules (Biomaterials)...
  • They didn't know my eyes low cause of genetic defects
  • #pluripotency Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without genetic defects by small molecules.
  • RT @BuckeyeEmpire: @FakeUrban he's also got like 10 twin brothers with genetic defects. Fucking creepy.
  • @FakeUrban he's also got like 10 twin brothers with genetic defects. Fucking creepy.
  • To help advance the human race as a whole and help root out genetic defects when I finish school #DrPepperGiveaway
  • @KNeferhetep the last thing she needs is a confused child soiled by genetic defects and animal like traits spawned by "daddy"
  • @NiggaZahra @UberFacts not new thing for medical student...its genetic defects,need surgeries
  • In high school my teachers thought I was smoking stress didn't know my eyes low cause of genetic defects
  • Huge if true. MT @davidbritain7: Mohammed on his way to prayers. Who said Muslamic inbreeding caused genetic defects?
  • Just seen Mohammed on his way to Friday prayers. Who ever said Muslamic inbreeding could cause genetic defects?
  • @Ah_Science @DocK113 @AaronWorthing @Brainman365 @athieratheist not to mention the genetic defects caused by inbreeding in humans
  • @JoeKool411 How did I insult her genetic defects?!
  • @JoeKool411 Listen here dummy. You can insult an individual without insulting her genetic defects. I called her selfish. Get over it!
  • @Zafarcakes @stubacat I find it particularly distressing, genetic defects being bred into domesticated animals just to fit a certain image.
  • RT @garrettpierceee: back in high school my teachers thought i was smokin stress, didnt know my eyes low cause of genetic defects.