

A genius is a person of great intelligence, who shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative an original work. Geniuses - or genii (see Etymology) - always show strong individuality and imagination, and are not only intelligent, but unique and innovative. The term may also be applied to someone who is a polymath, such as Goethe or da Vinci, but a polymath is generally considered a well-rounded genius, gifted in many areas, e.g. math, physics, art, poetry, etc. Einstein, for instance, was a genius in physics, but not necessarily in other areas such as art or literature. An example of a fictional genius is Sherlock Holmes, who had remarkable capabilities in the art of deduction, but whose knowledge in other fields of study, such as astronomy and philosophy, was below average, owing to a lack of professional interest.

Trivia about genius

  • Edison defined this as "one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"
  • In Latin it means the guardian spirit of a place; in English it means someone of great talent & intelligence
  • " _____ is one percent inspiration & 99 percent perspiration"