

The wor Gentile is an anglicised version of the Latin word gentilis, meaning of or belonging to a clan or tribe. In the King James and various other versions of the Bible it is used to refer to non-Israelite tribes or nations, as an English translation of the Hebrew words goy / גוי and nochri / נכרי. It is also used to translate the New Testament Greek word ἔθνη (éthnē). Today, the primary meaning of gentile is ‘non-Jew’.

Trivia about gentile

  • A non-Mormon or a non-Jew
  • From the Latin for "nation", this word refers to a non-Jew
  • Japanese consul Chiune Sugihara, who saved hundreds of Jews in WWII, bears the title "Righteous" this
  • With the addition of a letter, a "gentle" person becomes this non-Jewish person

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