

Tweets about geocites

  • Revista New Yorker divulga sua primeira capa usando GIF animado: GIF, pra mim, sempre foi coisa de Geocites, d...
  • RT @MontrealSauce: We talk copyright with @tone_def in the most recent show.
  • We talk copyright with @tone_def in the most recent show.
  • @Leosias tumblr (meh) + twitter (pra q outro?) + geocites (wut?)
  • HEY! Listen! I learned things today by listening to @MontrealSauce with guest @tone_def. Get some:
  • RT @sikkdays: The latest episode of our tasty podcast is up. It features @tone_def
  • The latest episode of our tasty podcast is up. It features @tone_def
  • I almost bought a writebrothers product, but since their website looks like a Geocites page I suspected it was a bad idea
  • @beniookami geocitesっていう単語だけで懐かしさが溢れる
  • @keiri_kou Gaudy, retro, geocites kind?