ghost town


A ghost town is a town that has been abanoned, usually because the economic activity that supported it has failed or because of natural or human-caused disasters such as war. The word is sometimes used in a deprecative sense to include areas where the current population is significantly less than it once was. It may be a partial ghost town such as Tonopah, Nevada or a neighborhood where people no longer live (like Love Canal). A tourist ghost town has significant economic activity from tourism, such as Oatman, Arizona, or numerous sites in Egypt, but cannot sustain itself except by tourism.

Trivia about ghost town

  • Bodie, California, this type of abandoned "town", features 170 buildings in a state of "arrested decay"
  • It would be easy to tear up the phone book of Winston, New Mexico, one of these "haunted" settlements
  • The town of Lobo in Culberson County, Texas is one of these "haunted" communities
  • After being dead for 7 minutes, Ricky Gervais sees & hears dead people in this 2008 comedy