gibson girls


The Gibson Girl was the personification of the feminine ieal as portrayed in the satirical pen and ink illustrated stories created by illustrator Charles Dana Gibson during a twenty year period spanning the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in the United States.

Tweets about gibson girls

  • Gibson Girls Wall Calendar - 2015 Wall Calendar: ...
  • What gave Gibson Girls their name? #AmericanHistory #Answers
  • DONNA JUST #TBT 'ed THIS PHOTO OF THE GIBSON GIRLS CC: @JennaPittenger this is only the beginning
  • @fhdiod (andra sena Gibson Girls inkluderar bla Mona Seilitz.)
  • @fhdiod nittotalsversionen av en sk Gibson Girl! Blev retromode bl a pga Merchant/Ivory-rullar ju. Känner mig kluven.