girl scout


Girl Guies or Girl Scouts is a parallel movement to Scouting. It evolved from the Scouting movement in the early years of the 20th century. Girls were attracted to Scouting from its inception in 1907. In different places around the world, the movement developed in diverse ways. In some places, girls attempted to join Scouting organisations and it was decided that single-sex organisations were a better solution. In other places, girls groups were started, some of them later to open up to boys or merge with boys' organisations. In other instances, mixed groups were formed, sometimes to later split. In the same way, the name Girl Guide or Girl Scout has been used by groups at different times and in different places, with some groups changing from one to another. In the past, boys had to join the Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts but in recent years Guides has been open for both boys and girls to join in most countries.

Trivia about girl scout

  • Some of the badges she can earn are: Horse Lover, Dabbler & Ms. Fix-it
  • Green creme de menthe, Bailey's Irish cream, vodka & Kahlua make a "dirty" this, not what Juliette Low had in mind