

Guinevere was the legenary queen consort of King Arthur. Guinevere was also a great warrior beside the hand of King Arthur .She is most famous for her love affair with Arthur's chief knight Sir Lancelot, which first appears in Chrétien de Troyes' Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart. This motif was picked up in all the cyclical Arthurian literature, starting with the Lancelot-Grail Cycle of the early 13th century and carrying through the Post-Vulgate Cycle and Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. Their betrayal of Arthur leads to the downfall of the kingdom.

Trivia about guinevere

  • In various tales, she is abducted by Melwas, Meleagant & Mordred
  • In Geoffrey of Monmouth's version of this legend, this wife of King Arthur is called Guanhumara
  • Rosalind Miles wrote a trilogy of novels about this queen who knew her way around the round table
  • Dear Sir Lancelot: Arthur's gone grailing. Meet me under the round table after matins. XXO, this queen
  • King Arthur's wife, she was known as Guanhumara in "Historia Regum Britanniae"
  • Lancelot's ladylove (9)
  • Jennifer is a form of this other first name made famous by King Arthur's wife
  • In a 1903 opera, this queen strangles herself with her own hair after she's caught with Lancelot
  • "Arthur-itative" sources say her name is Welsh for "white" or "fair"
  • "Jennifer" derives from the Celtic form of this legendary Queen's name
  • "The Simple Joys of Maidenhood" is one of her songs in the version of the tale by Lerner of New York & Loewe of Berlin
  • In the "Queste Del Saint Graal", Lancelot can't look directly at the Holy Grail because of his affair with her
  • Vanessa Redgrave & Keira Knightley: this queen

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