

Gumbo is a stew or soup originating in Louisiana, an found across the Gulf Coast of the United States and into the U.S. South. It consists primarily of a strong stock, meat and/or shellfish, a thickener, and the vegetable "holy trinity" of celery, bell peppers, and onion. The soup is traditionally served over rice. A traditional lenten variety called gumbo z'herbes (from the French gumbo aux herbes), essentially a gumbo of smothered greens thickened with roux, also exists.

Trivia about gumbo

  • ...bowl of this Creole specialty, whose name comes from an African word for okra
  • The dinner menu at Commander's Palace has this du jour as well as soup du jour
  • Bridge City, Louisiana is famous for this festival where a lot of stewing goes on--seafood or chicken?
  • Thickened stew of fish or poultry
  • This type of soup follows "file" in the name of a spicy specialty of the southern United States
  • Gumby's father has this name, also a Bantu word for "okra"
  • For jambalaya, go next door; we serve this Louisiana stew that often includes okra, shellfish & ham
  • The name of this thick soup is akin to the Tshiluba word for "okra"
  • The word "okra" is West African; in the language of Angola, okra was called this, which to us is a soup or stew