

Gypsy may refer to:

Trivia about gypsies

  • Cher lumped them with tramps & thieves
  • The Romany (who aren't Italian) are more commonly called this (though they're not Egyptian)
  • These nomads call themselves the Rom, which means "man" or "husband" in their language, Romany
  • Be sure to hear music by this ethnic group called Czigany, real strolling musicians
  • Romany is known as the language of these nomadic people
  • At 7%, Hungarians form Romania's largest minority, while Roma, popularly known as these people, make up 2%
  • Right-wing parties on the rise include Hungary's Jobbik, which fiercely attacks these people, also called Roma
  • In 1999 the city of Usti Nad Labem tried to wall off these residents AKA the Romany, but had to take the wall down
  • This nomadic group also called the Romany has had non-governmental org. status at the U.N. since 1979