h5n1 bird flu


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Tweets about h5n1 bird flu

  • And I don't mean to say Hong Kong are bad. I mean that when H5N1 Bird Flu or SARS is actually among you, you want to contain it.
  • RT @techweenie: I remember when George W Bush was blamed for the H5N1 bird flu pandemic, don't you? #UniteBlue #p2
  • I remember when George W Bush was blamed for the H5N1 bird flu pandemic, don't you? #UniteBlue #p2
  • #Indonesia, #Java: A suspected human case of #H5N1 bird flu virus infection in Sleman (KRJoga, October 10 2014)
  • #Indonesia, #Java: A suspected human case of #H5N1 bird flu virus infection in Sleman (KRJoga, Oct...
  • @punc14Deano @swayoung01 this years vaccine contains H1N1 (original strain of swine flu) and H5N1 (bird flu) and modified influenza strain x