

Hammurabi (Akkaian from Amorite ˤAmmurāpi, "the kinsman is a healer," from ˤAmmu, "paternal kinsman," and Rāpi, "healer"; (ca. 1795 – 1750 BC middle chronology) was the sixth king of Babylon. He became the first king of the Babylonian Empire, extending Babylon's control over Mesopotamia by winning a series of wars against neighboring kingdoms. Although his empire controlled all of Mesopotamia at the time of his death, his successors were unable to maintain his empire.

Trivia about hammurabi

  • He was the 6th ruler of the Amorite dynasty of Babylon; you probably remember him for his code
  • At least a dozen of this Babylonian king's 282 laws dealt with wages & fee rates
  • In the 18th century B.C., this ruler's code governed Babylon
  • Babylon was united in the 18th century B.C. under this Amorite king best known for his legal pronouncements
  • This Babylonian king's code of laws is said to have been inspired by the sun god, Shamash
  • This king's reign has been referred to as the Golden Age of Babylon
  • Ruling from 1792-1750 B.C., he had the laws of Babylon carved into an 8' high block of stone
  • This king who died in 1750 B.C. left a code dealing with family laws, loans, debts & even witchcraft
  • In 1792 B.C. this Semite sat down on the throne of Babylon; he ruled until 1750
  • The Sumerian kingdom ended when this enemy king famous for his code conquered the city of Larsa
  • This Babylonian king's code states that if a son strikes his father, the son's hands shall be cut off
  • This sixth king of Babylonia codifies laws; we'll tell you what will get you killed tonight at 11
  • The slab containing his code was placed in the Temple of Marduk, Babylon's chief god
  • His son Samsu-Iluna inherited his throne in Babylon
  • Among this Babylonian king's laws was: "If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand"
  • Cheers to this Babylonian king who codified the use of beer for his people
  • The concept "an eye for an eye" didn't originate in the Bible, but in this Babylonian King's "Code"
  • Break the code to discover he was the sixth ruler of Babylon's Amorite dynasty
  • As the sixth ruler of Babylon's first dynasty, he laid down the laws
  • In the 18th century B.C., he wrote down his famous list of dos & don'ts

Tweets about hammurabi

  • @HeyItsBiancee Ikaw si Hammurabi, gumagawa ng kodigo hahahaha
  • I have a rising follower graph! 1 more follower in the past day. Get your stats right here
  • Yol yakınken bu “dürtme” sevdanızdan vazgeçin sevgili Facebook’çular! Zira Hammurabi Kanunlarında bile “dürtmek,...
  • 明日行きます!
  • RT @misw_info: 【告知】早稲田祭ではこんな感じのチラシを配りますよー。もし見つけたら貰ってくださいね! #早稲田祭
  • RT @misw_info: いよいよ明日から早稲田祭ですね…! MIS.Wは11号館711教室に両日とも出展します。 オリジナルゲーム、音楽CD、画集など多くのものを取り揃えてお待ちしております。皆さんぜひ遊びに来て下さい‼︎ #早稲田祭
  • RT @misw_info: 早稲田祭、開演しました!様々なジャンルのゲームはもちろん、素敵な画集や音楽アルバムも取り揃えて、【11号館7階711】でお待ちしています!このチラシを見かけたらきっと来てくださいね!
  • @ValeSantaSubito Gente che si lamenta della giustizia in Italia ma nello stesso tempo invoca il codice di Hammurabi. Moderni, proprio.
  • El"Código de Hammurabi" en el Muero del Louvre.
  • RT @tastefactory: I forgot to buy candy for the trick or treaters, I hope the kids like this stuff.
  • @apostrophe90s りんごちゃんなつかしすぎでしょwwww
  • Courtney Lee lives by the Code of Hammurabi, according to his Twitter profile.
  • @Robhot1982 @shannonrwatts @MomsDemand I asked her why she would deny rights that were even enumerated by Hammurabi, 7k years ago. Lol!
  • @flor_jaku Hammurabi introdujo la Paleta de Narmer en el 2450 y reinó en 1750. Ramsés un poroto.
  • RT @mikesacco: Miga has the right idea
  • RT @bishgoddess: Normally I'm like eh Katy Perry what evs but seriously she SLAYED HALLOWEEN!
  • RT @bromethazine: little-known historical fact: the Code of Hammurabi prohibited manual retweets
  • Y por esto las leyes las hace el parlamento y las imparten los jueces y no las víctimas. Se le ocurrió a un tal Hammurabi.
  • Fingerprints were first taken from criminals in ancient Babylon during King Hammurabi's rule in the 18th Century BCE.
  • Hammurabi yasalarına göre biraya su katmak yasaktır.Normlara uymayan bira üreten kişiler biranın içerisinde boğulma cezasına çarptırılırlar.
  • RT @SuperShortTales: HAMMURABI ROAD @StephenVernon 4 ride out in a pick-up truck; 3 in front & 1 duct-taped in back…
  • TIL that Hammurabi's Law Code required the accusers to bring the accused into court by themselves, …
  • @hammurabimx Hola Hammurabi Blanco Únete a la comunidad de la música de los 60s hasta los 90s https://t.co/7Tg98Srd8p
  • あした新浦安いくか・・・
  • PCEのゲームなさすぎワロタwww
  • PCEのゲームなさすぎワロタ
  • #hammurabi kurallarını uygulmk lazm
  • Apakah prinsip kod undang undang Hammurabi?
  • منظمة حمورابي لحقوق الإنسان تشارك في اجتماع نظمته الأمم المتحدة لإطلاق منحة جديدة من اجل دعم النازحين... التفاصيل...
  • السيد وليم وردا يلبي دعوة السفارة الاسبانية في بغداد بهذه المناسبة و يقدم التهنئة لسعادة السفير و زوجته. التفاصيل...
  • السيد وليم وردا يتداول عددا من القضايا التي تهم تعزيز المكون الوطني المسيحي في العراق بوصفه مكونا حضاريا أصيلا...
  • بمشاركة منظمة حمورابي: دائرة المنظمات غير الحكومية تعقد ورشة عمل في إطار مكافحة الإرهاب و تعزيز السلم الأهلي...
  • السيد وليم وردا مسؤول العلاقات العامة في منظمة حمورابي لحقوق الإنسان يشارك في لقاء نظمته السفارة الأمريكية في بغداد.
  • 芋が超品切れとの噂を聞いたので秋葉原へ
  • Berdasarkan Kode Hammurabi, hukuman untuk malpraktek medis adalah memotong tangan dokter. #Bot_NGNaufal
  • Test sa math? Ilabas ang KODIGO NI HAMMURABI.
  • @ana_amcosta0529 Try this one again: T/F: The Code of Hammurabi included laws regulating beer and beer parlours. https://t.co/AaIXHe9KSB
  • RT @Kirkabout: "@CervantesMHC: Law Code of Hammurabi, king of Babylon @MuseeLouvre The Archbold of Babylon. Heavie…
  • RT @CervantesMHC: Law Code of Hammurabi, king of Babylon @MuseeLouvre
  • "To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, so that the strong should not harm the weak." - Hammurabi's Code; Prologue
  • Wondering how to grow on twitter? I gained 6 followers in the past day. This is the app:
  • Vamos Gigantes vamos necesitan ganar #smESPN
  • @saladeinfo ese es código de HAMMURABI?
  • Justo en los sentimientos 😭😭 #StealMyGirlMusicVideoIsPerfect #ActualizaNoReplay
  • Una compañera de pega me dijo que me parezco a Hammurabi entre la chasca y la barba
  • “@Mendolorex: En los negocios llenos, se agarra más fuerte la cerveza que la mano de su novia. Está escrito en el Codigo de Hammurabi.”😂😂😂
  • En los negocios llenos, se agarra más fuerte la cerveza que la mano de su novia. Está escrito en el Codigo de Hammurabi.
  • @annnpilapil hindee si hammurabi ung hari babylonia nebuchadnezar akkadian ata yan eh :c
  • RT @KeeemyKeeemy: Si Hammurabi ba yan? #SuperbookS2FieryFurnace
  • Si Hammurabi ba yan? #SuperbookS2FieryFurnace