harlequin baby


Harlequin-type ichthyosis (also harlequin ichthyosis, ichthyosis congenita, or keratosis iffusa fetalis), a skin disease, is the most severe form of congenital ichthyosis, characterized by a thickening of the keratin layer in fetal human skin. In sufferers of the disease, the skin contains massive, diamond-shaped scales, and tends to give off a reddish color. In addition, the eyes, ears, mouth, and other appendages may be abnormally contracted. The scaly keratin greatly limits the child's movement. Because the skin is cracked where normal skin would fold, it is easily pregnable by bacteria and other contaminants, resulting in serious risk of fatal infection.

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Tweets about harlequin baby

  • Harlequin Baby Music
  • RT @ActuallyEmerson: There are people judging tonight's protests who will be trampling complete strangers for a slightly cheaper flat scree…
  • RT @Astarisborn1993: THIS. #FergusonDecision
  • RT @Glinner: Those Wilson injuries in full #Ferguson
  • RT @Rschooley: If this is the new threshold for what "savagely beaten" looks like, I hope it's applied to domestic abuse cases.
  • RT @anildash: Conflicting accounts of what happened to Michael Brown are reason *why* Darren Wilson should be on trial. Inexcusable to argu…