

In Greek mythology the sun was personifie as Helios (pronounced /ˈhiliˌɑs/) (Greek: Ἥλιος, Latinized as Helius). Homer often calls him simply Titan or Hyperion, while Hesiod (Theogony 371) and the Homeric Hymn separate him as a son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia (Hesiod) or Euryphaessa (Homeric Hymn) and brother of the goddesses Selene, the moon, and Eos, the dawn. The names of these three were also the common Greek words for sun, moon and dawn.

Trivia about helios

  • The Romans called the sun sol & the Greeks called it this, which contains the letters S,O & L
  • Later identified with Apollo, his sister Selene was goddess of the moon & he was god of the sun
  • The Colossus of Rhodes, a gigantic statue of this god whose name is Greek for sun
  • About a quarter of the sun is a gas named for this sun god
  • Greek name of NASA's series of probes launched in the mid-'70s to study the Sun
  • In 2001 NASA's solar-powered plane named for this Greek sun god reached a record altitude of 96,863 feet

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Tweets about helios

  • RT @ECHOcasts: Helios tests say Pandora’s getting more Eridium day by day since the Vault opened. Just like I predicteeeeeed suck it haters
  • #Telecom Oi quer vender Africatel "num enquadramento de conflito com os minoritários da Helios"
  • @nivllx
  • J’envois pas de message à Helios parce que j’fais le gars désiré, mais c’est mon homme, ya pas de doute. 💙
  • Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą premier filmowych przygotowanych przez Centrum Filmowe Helios w Kędzie...
  • Centrum Filowe Helios zaprasza do zapoznania się z ofertą ! Zobacz co nowego w opolskim kinie od 19 do 25 września.
  • RT @CessCorte: @ONU_es @KARMELE17 @MarthaTagle @HaitiJustice @ElInformanteMX @supremo_edomex EN MÉXICO TE MANDAN MATAR Y ENCERRAR
  • La jodes, me jodes. Para abrirle la cabeza al pavo
  • RT @LolaaJvt: @Blvckxo_ Helios m'a dis que tu l'aimais plus car tu lui envoie plus de message :(
  • La quiero tanto que me da igual con quien este mientras sea feliz...
  • No la pierdas capullo
  • @horanue petycje haha ej ale helios to duża sieć, więc idk czemu tam nie ma lmao
  • Absuelto el único acusado que fue ingresado en prisión por los incidentes de Can Vies vía @publico_es
  • La permanencia te persigue después de muerto - OCU vía @consumidores
  • @awbrooks ciekawe do czego jeszcze bedziemy odliczac😟 w helios nie ma😠😡
  • # 질문 정도는 답해주마.
  • RT @SwParkwaymkt: Helios farm house ale @VictoryBeer @CraftBeerATX @CraftBeerMngls @ATXBeerReleases @BeneKeith_Bevs
  • Już 200 tys. osób może korzystać z #KartaDużejRodziny i zniżek w Play, PKO BP, BOŚ, Świat Książki, Helios, Bonito.pl
  • ¿Quieres ser Independiente? Acéptate, cree en ti, motívate y no dejes que pensamientos u opiniones de nadie determinen tu nivel de felicidad
  • Welcoming partners @SavetheChildren @flyspicejet Helios Energy & IMA to the Old Kashmiri Saying 1+1 = 11. #Win
  • Lol.. Terry is shaking. Clown. "@Sir_Helios: Ahhh RT @goal_intl: Terry the 'biggest idiot' after racism row, says Ferdinand"
  • randzone: Niedersachsen: Helios-Kliniken bestreikt
  • RT @_Asgardian: Looking at the Hazard-Fabregas-Costa triumvirate.. No amount of bus parking will stop you from conceding.. No more "give it…
  • Smelling ke? RT @konffie: My bbm is smelling. When did I add these people?
  • HELIOS 【部活の流れ編】 東京都市大学アメリカンフットボール部
  • Faserlaser Fiber Laser Scanheads F-Theta Linsen
  • Being StandIn for NTR in Helios Cup.
  • #ingress #helios さらに沖縄に#7が! 果たして神戸まで運べるのか、あるいはオーストラリアか!?
  • https://t.co/Qc3ikPaflE ( - via @Helios ) La genialità e la puccineria ♥
  • Hallo kalori .... (at Helios Fitness) [pic] — https://t.co/uxF0cApi6l
  • Санкции в России
  • 一高行ってHELIOS見てきた😋💓 来週がんばってほしいな〜 みんなに会えてよかった〜♥️ 久しぶりに太陽の下におったから とてつもなく眠い(๑¯ω¯๑)
  • 仕事終わって帰宅したぞ、愚者共
  • Ugh The Fray's Helios is already very noisy and yet I'm still falling asleep
  • Mencoba lebih sehat dan machoo 💡 (with @syarafinaheidi at Helios Fitness) — https://t.co/BeQivE4tct
  • At Helios Fitness — https://t.co/21mmfT5dNP
  • ここもいいよなwwww
  • 八戸線乗りたい… 小中野~八戸区間だけど。
  • RT @izuhelios: Pues hoy otro partidicoo #union - #helios 3:30 #GoBlues #somosazules
  • "이 여행은 언제까지 계속되는 걸까? 얼마나 더 친구와 헤어져야 하는거야? 이 여행의 끝에 돌아갈 곳. 그 날까지 안녕, 천국이여!" [사요나라*헤븐/네코마타마스터-의 코~라가 부른 버젼]
  • selamat sore @CiliwungCamp @helios_hotel @kalderatrail dan selamat beraktifitas yaaa!!!
  • {定期}ガンダムEXVSFB・マキシブーストのLINEメンバー募集中です! この度専用アカウントにてLINEでグループ部屋を建てました>< 入りたい方は{RT・リプライ}など願います。
  • いるいる
  • RT @de_detaawwwww: で、でた~wwwwwwwwわざとマナーモード解除しといて着信音鳴らしてリア充アピール奴~wwwwwwwwwwwww
  • RT @mcjohn14: 3-14 overwinning met @SVSchalkhaar E3 bij Helios E2. Goed gevoetbald, mooie goals en heel veel kansen gecreëerd! #trots
  • Lucky you "@Sir_Helios: Seems @TheAlphaMale__ has done benin jazz for me and stopped my beards from growing and making his grow.."
  • Seems @TheAlphaMale__ has done benin jazz for me and stopped my beards from growing and making his grow..
  • Germany Collections 92. Anästhesie - HELIOS Akademie #iTunesU #iTunes #iPhone #Apple #Mac
  • RT @Toscana_jeju: 9월25일 오픈을 앞두고 세계적인 지용호작가의 조각작품이 토스카나호텔에 전시되었습니다.
  • @Toscana_jeju @1215thexiahtic 오 멋있다