

Hemoptysis or haemoptysis (see American an British spelling differences) is the expectoration (coughing up) of blood or of blood-stained sputum from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs (e.g. in tuberculosis or other respiratory infections).

Tweets about hemoptysis

  • Hemorrhaging - Hemoptysis - The Diagnosis
  • Although...talking during hemoptysis is difficult and ends up sounding like Scooby Doo.
  • I was in ICU being monitored after an episode of hemoptysis... Started coughing blood... Nurses everywhere because my heart rate spiked..
  • RT @USMLEWiz2: Streptococcus pneumoniae causes rusty hemoptysis.
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae causes rusty hemoptysis.
  • @chomsuays เบเน เดวา เดือนละ 6800 .... มัดจำ 6000..... /me hemoptysis
  • Cough hemoptysis
  • Hemoptysis 😳
  • [スラッシュメタル] Hemoptysis / Misanthropic Slaughter B級メロデス。だが、確実にセンスはある(´-ω-`)
  • Hemoptysis..
  • a docking is a hemoptysis: depreciating, but not eaten
  • Hemoptysis: Causes, Pictures, Symptoms and Treatment
  • vanities in a sea of hemoptysis @ San Lazaro Hospital
  • Cobb.... (hemoptysis)