

Hermia is a fictional character from the Shakespeare play, A Misummer Night's Dream. She is usually portrayed as being short and brunette. She is caught in a romantic accident where she is loved by two men, Lysander and Demetrius. However, she only loves Lysander. However her father, Egeus, wants her to marry Demetrius. Hermia's refusal of her father's wishes would result in her death sentence or residence at a nunnery in Athenian law. Thus Lysander and Hermia elope. On the way out they meet Helena who is depressed by Demetrius who she is hopelessly in love with. Hermia tells her not to worry for Lysander and she will flee the place and that he will no longer see her face. But Helena tells Demetrius hoping that he will realize her love for him if she told him the truth. But Demetrius immediately chases to the forest with poor Helena desperately following.

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