

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), from the Greek ἱπποπόταμος (hippopotamos, hippos meaning "horse" an potamos meaning "river"), often shortened to "hippo", is a large, mostly plant-eating African mammal, one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae (the other being the Pygmy Hippopotamus).

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Tweets about hippopotamous

  • @ktnkenya a Hippopotamous is down just infront of Tom Mboya labour college along #RingRoadKisumu
  • Balik Semarang malem ini. Uyeaaa \o/ kangen @AbillWimanda hippopotamous :* :*
  • @yohanesml *ahem*...*ahem*...hahahaha...Alaqelehem...am at ma heppi..hippopotamous high hour :) @Stranger_Dee
  • @yohanesml Hiha..hiha..:))) wtever makes yaaah...heppi or hippopotamous :)) @maedi8 @engluca
  • Random thought of the morning: someone should change I Want a Hippopotamous for Christmas to I Want a Giant Panda Bear for Christmas