homing pigeon


The homing pigeon is a variety of omesticated Rock Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) that has been selectively bred to be able to find its way home over extremely long distances. The wild rock pigeon having an innate homing ability, means that it will generally return to its own nest and its own mate. This made it relatively easy to breed from the birds that repeatedly found their way home over long distances. Flights as long as 1800 kilometers have been recorded by exceptional birds in competition pigeon racing. Their average flying speed over moderate distances is around 30 miles per hour, but they can achieve bursts of speed up to 58.7 mph. Homing pigeons have been used to carry messages written on thin light paper (such as cigarette paper) in a small tube attached to one leg; this is called pigeon post. Sometimes homing pigeons are called carrier pigeons, when they are used to carry messages. White homing pigeons are used in Release Dove ceremonies at weddings, funerals and some sporting events.

Trivia about homing pigeon

  • For his service during WWI, Cher Ami, one of these useful birds, was awarded France's Croix de Guerre

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