

Horseshoes is an outoor game played between two people (or two teams of two people) using four horseshoes and two stakes. The game is played by the players alternating turns tossing horseshoes at stakes in the ground, which are traditionally placed 40 feet (12.19 m) apart. Modern games use a more stylized U-shaped bar, about twice the size of an actual horseshoe.

Trivia about horseshoes

  • Footgear for Secretariat, or an enjoyable backyard game
  • Close proverbially counts in this sport, but a ringer counts the most
  • A leaner is worth 2 points in this pastime that dates back centuries
  • In this backyard game, players throw curved metal pieces at a post & score points on how close they land
  • In this game you hurl metal objects at a spike 30 to 40 feet away & hopefully never yell "fore!"
  • A ringer on the stake in this game scores 3 points; 50 points wins the game
  • Ornamental hipposandals were used in ancient times; these didn't evolve until the Middle Ages
  • "Close only counts in" this backyard game