human fear


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Tweets about human fear

  • Why does fog mess up SFO airport so much? Isn't 21st century radar good enough to overcome? Or is it human fear of "flying blind"?
  • RT @ndb29401: Birds singing to keep atmosphere open fighting human fear open #micropoetry
  • Birds singing to keep atmosphere open fighting human fear open #micropoetry
  • @VeryWhiteGuy how does the inert HUMAN fear of absence of all light play into this?
  • RT @ZorioAnthony: "Uncertainty is one of the biggest sources of human fear"Ms.carrion
  • RT @SirLandonJ: 2• we are all human fear makes us hate difference love embraces it
  • @c_9 Yeah, that's fair. I't's not a hill I want to die on, just viscerally reacting to his excuse-making & evasion of basic human fear.
  • Masyarakat sll takut thd sesuatu yg tak mereka pahami. Seperti yg terjadi dalam film Transendence. "Human fear what they didn’t understad"
  • Masyarakat sll takut thd sesuatu yg tidak mereka pahami. Sperti yg terjadi dalam film Transendence. "Human fear what they didn’t understad"
  • @TheQuinnspiracy It's just the human fear of the cyborg unknown.
  • Human fear is a powerful emotion makes a person want to defend themselves If I fear the police is that wrong #AskACop
  • 2• we are all human fear makes us hate difference love embraces it
  • @svejky we live in a world where common human fear is only true for those in real danger, not universal, and fear is a reversed structure
  • Our deepest human fear is not that we are Inadequate? It's that we are Powerful beyond measure?
  • WORLD PREMIERE! DEBUT MUSIC VIDEO! The Human Fear - Cara Lee Coleman: via @YouTube
  • @Xatulu_ The consciousness doesn't reincarnate in full, and certainly not always as a human. Fear not.
  • @priyankachopra Since the human fear of the unknown,loves what he used to, even if it was despair. The mind successful even failure.
  • Paul Rosolie is tapping into pure human fear to raise awareness about the anaconda in Eaten Alive …
  • Hanging out trying to understand human fear #tarantula
  • @smtraderCA so tell me that is not a reflection of human fear & greed behavior
  • Human fear is a bigger factor at work in the world than many of us realize. But it's never as great a factor as the Lord.
  • メモ - 2: Beneath the surface, they embody the consequences of human fear, apathy, aggression, and misunderstanding.
  • @elliotw2 youkai aren't /supposed/ to be carefree, tey're monsters spawned from human fear and nightmares and rumours.
  • Religion is a product of human fear and imagination. Religion is a spiritual sanctuary of the insecure minds and hearts.
  • RT @RayneHall: .@RenZelen I don't know if it's left over from the dark ages, or something based on human fear of dark things. @SharitaStar …
  • .@RenZelen I don't know if it's left over from the dark ages, or something based on human fear of dark things. @SharitaStar @Book_Thrills
  • @rustyrockets @misterspaceman7 ... but a universal human fear of losing something good that we already have.
  • @Camz99 so sorry. :( Great campaign. Vote a reflection of how difficult change really is given human fear of it. A deferment not defeat.
  • @MakaveliBlu giving you confirmation to look beyond your own human fear, but if it’s telling you not to then listen as well, but make sure
  • @jhgr81 hell in the traditional sense represents the greatest human fear; fear of separation. I'm not dismissing it but adding my take...
  • great promise "For every human fear and insecurity we have, God has an answer that makes the most of our stren...
  • @spvvvt @Zerglinator Moffat's a master of making monsters -- they always appeal to a basic human fear or loss of a sense.
  • I firmly believe that the majority of life's perceived challenges are rooted in human fear. #emotion…