hypoglossal nerve


The hypoglossal nerve is the twelfth cranial nerve (XII), leaing to the tongue. The nerve arises from the hypoglossal nucleus and emerges from the medulla oblongata in the preolivary sulcus separating the olive and the pyramid. It then passes through the hypoglossal canal. On emerging from the hypoglossal canal, it gives off a small meningeal branch and picks up a branch from the anterior ramus of C1. It spirals behind the vagus nerve and passes between the internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein lying on the carotid sheath. After passing deep to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, it passes to the submandibular region to enter the tongue.

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  • Stabbed my hypoglossal nerve #12thCranialNerve #7yearsAgo #theowback #rebel #prodigal…
  • Facial nerve Auditory nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vasal nerve Accessory nerve Hypoglossal nerve
  • RT @_anoom: hypoglossal nerve supply all of the muscles of the tongue EXCEPT palatoglossus which supplied by the vagus nerve #med433
  • hypoglossal nerve supply all of the muscles of the tongue EXCEPT palatoglossus which supplied by the vagus nerve #med433
  • RT @Saijantakan: Deviated tongue : การแลบลิ้นตรงๆไม่ได้เนื่องจากเส้นประสาท Hypoglossal nerve คู่ที่ 12 เสีย #สาระ
  • stands for: Carotid sheath, external carotid, hypoglossal nerve, accessory nerve, larynx, pharynx and thyroid gland
  • RT @NEJM: Videos show palsy and recovery from palsy of the right hypoglossal nerve.
  • @ConnerATC hypoglossal nerve
  • @ConnerATC #ConnerATCTrivia Hypoglossal Nerve / Cranial Nerve 12
  • Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy during Meningococcal Meningitis — NEJM
  • Videos show palsy and recovery from palsy of the right hypoglossal nerve.
  • RT @NEJM: Image in Clinical Medicine: Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy during Meningococcal Meningitis. With video.
  • Xİİ Hypoglossal Nerve - movement of the tongue 👅
  • ■脳神経12:cranial nerve12■ 舌下神経:hypoglossal nerve ※延髄錐体とオリーブの間から多数の細い神経線維束として出る。
  • Hypoglossal nerve RT @QuizMeAnat: @xoTinu The thyrohyoid muscle is supplied by: https://t.co/XAvBy3xqwm
  • 9.舌咽神経glossopharyngeal nerve/10.迷走神経vagus nerve/11.副神経accessory nerve/12.舌下神経hypoglossal nerve
  • 舌下神経hypoglossal nerve(Ⅻ)
  • Hypoglossal nerve atrophy , upper motor lesion
  • 舌下神経:nervus hypoglossus/hypoglossal nerve   #nomina
  • hypoglossal nerve[CN XII]舌下神経
  • 舌下神経:hypoglossal nerve #nomina
  • 舌下神経:nervus hypoglossus/hypoglossal nerve #nomina
  • 【舌下神経】—(ぜっかしんけい、hypoglossal nerve)は12対ある脳神経の一つであり、第XII脳神経とも呼ばる。舌の運動を司る他、頚神経わな、甲状舌骨筋、肩甲舌骨筋、胸骨甲状筋、胸骨…