ice cream


Ice cream or ice-cream (originally ice cream) is a frozen dessert made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, combined with flavorings and sweeteners, such as sugar, and possible other ingredients. This mixture is stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large ice crystals from forming; the result is a smoothly textured ice cream. In the United States, ice cream made with just cream, sugar, and a flavoring (usually fruit) is sometimes referred to as "Philadelphia style" ice cream. Ice creams made with eggs, usually in the form of custards, are "French" ice creams.

Trivia about ice cream

  • A popular dessert, it's a frozen mixture of milk products with at least 10% milk fat
  • "I scream, you scream, we all scream for" this dessert
  • In 1866, William A. Breyer started the company that's now the oldest national producer of this
  • In diner slang, apple pie is "eve with a lid" & to "put a hat on" her means to add this
  • Madrid's Gran Cafe de Gijon serves blanco y negro--coffee with this cool treat, cinnamon flavor
  • We all scream for it:MICE CARE
  • The U.S. Navy had a ship whose sole purpose was to make this dessert
  • Gelato is the Italian word for this treat
  • White Mountain has been making freezers to produce this treat since 1853
  • Carboxymethyl cellulose & locust bean gum make this cold, sweet treat more stable
  • How cool! This dessert is helado
  • Use your own spoon if the whole table splits 1 dessert, like spumoni, a type of this treat
  • In what he called a favorite poem, Wallace Stevens wrote, "The only emperor is the emperor of this dessert treat"