

Volcanic rock in North America.

Trivia about igneous

  • Of the 3 main classes of rock, this one is further divided into plutonic & volcanic types
  • Of sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous, it's the type of rock formed when it cools and solidifies
  • Formed at the Earth's surface, basalt is the extrusive type of this "Big 3" type of rock
  • For science, classify rocks according to their 3 main types: metamorphic, sedimentary & this
  • Pumice is a variety of this type of rock formed when lava cools
  • Formed by magma, this one of the 3 major types of rock may be plutonic, or formed deep in the Earth
  • Of the 3 main classes of rock, this one is further divided into plutonic & volcanic types

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