indirect object


An object in grammar is a sentence element an part of the sentence predicate. It denotes somebody or something involved in the subject's "performance" of the verb. As an example, the following sentence is given:

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  • 10/16 Sp.2 Homework: Write 5 compound verb sentences with a direct and indirect object. Then rewrite each sentence using IOPs and DOPs.
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  • subject-transitive verb-indirect object-direct object (s-tv-io-do)
  • Subject and object complements exercise Identify the verb, subject complement, direct object, indirect object...
  • Jgh. Huhuhuhu! Pahirap yang diagraming na yan. 2 subject 2 verb 2 indirect object. Leste
  • @Seir_Retsu Geht es dir gut? "Goes it to-you(dative/indirect object) good?" You can answer: Mir geht es gut! for "gut" you insert whatever
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