

Tweets about install.log

  • It's oddly relaxing to watch a SQL CLI install log roll by. Yes, I know this makes me weird.
  • A guy asks if pip (Python Pipeline) keeps install log. Guy answers: what's wrong with piping stdout to a text file?
  • Have I mentioned how much I hate parsing an msi install log?
  • @tukkura91 okay dah, tapi kena install log in balik semua
  • "About 2 minutes" have been remaining on my Yosemite install for the past hour or two. Luckily, the install log i...
  • @GaborCsardi does it also dump the --install.log? @kwbroman @hadleywickham
  • When upgrading to Yosemite: BE PATIENT! even when it says '1 minute left' for 30 mins. Use ⌘-L to display install log. #OSX #yosemite
  • Pro tip: if OS X Yosemite upgrade looks like it's stuck, hit ⌘+L to see the install log and stop crying because you didn't backup... #osx
  • first thing you do on a new install? log into g.e so you can get sadpanda ready