iraq people


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Tweets about iraq people

  • Iraq people :(
  • @marklevinshow ISIS has the Iraq people's oil fields we fought for. Think we have to do anything about this?
  • RT @Followt96844528: Tony: Going back to Iraq, people are hearing Maliki is still on the scene & part of the issue. We know he is still try…
  • 5000 Strong Young American Solder die to defend freedom of Iraq people so what happen now can American we can stand for freedom of Palestine
  • Tony: Going back to Iraq, people are hearing Maliki is still on the scene & part of the issue. We know he is still trying, #wearethepeople
  • @OpTrusteeLG Completely disproportional reporting #Syria #Iraq people need help #ISIS attracting more psychopaths, they need be stomped out.
  • Lmao. Don't. "@Dahmolah: Badoo celeb 😏 “@Aloiye_: Okay badoo is not as bad as I thought. But I still dunno why those Iraq people are just
  • Badoo celeb 😏 “@Aloiye_: Okay badoo is not as bad as I thought. But I still dunno why those Iraq people are just rushing at me 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭”
  • Okay badoo is not as bad as I thought. But I still dunno why those Iraq people are just rushing at me 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭
  • @DeucePrez @CarolBlodgett @CpittsGuy @YerboutiSheik @Raging_Infidel1 I read in news in iraq people are getting beheaded
  • @ArmY_Iq it reminds me a former minister of saddam, saying that everything is ok ,while his country is burning.May god bless Iraq people
  • @p_vanostaeyen People say North-Africa. People say Iraq. People say Afghanistan. So - no clue.