irritable bowl syndrome


Tweets about irritable bowl syndrome

  • Meet Mike. Mike just declared that he has bad Irritable bowl syndrome. Not ideal when you are sharing a bathroom. πŸ’©πŸ˜©πŸ˜«
  • How A Few Simple Grocery Store Items Will Cure Irritable Bowl Syndrome From Home
  • "What's that sickness he has?" -IBS? "No. It's something else." -Irritable bowl syndrome? "That's it." πŸ˜…
  • RT @GrabsyGrowler: Another name for it is Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I get very annoyed if my bowl is empty. Very annoyed indeed. FILL UP TH…
  • Another name for it is Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I get very annoyed if my bowl is empty. Very annoyed indeed. FILL UP THE BOWL.
  • Yep. β€œ@Double_Adapter2: @Melusi_MD IBS? As in Irritable Bowl Syndrome? 0_o”
  • @Melusi_MD IBS? As in Irritable Bowl Syndrome? 0_o