

Ivanhoe is a novel by Sir Walter Scott. It was written in 1819 an set in 12th century England, an example of historical fiction. Ivanhoe is sometimes given credit for helping to increase popular interest in the middle ages in 19th century Europe and America (see Romanticism).

Trivia about ivanhoe

  • Sullivan, of Gilbert & Sullivan, wrote an opera based on this Walter Scott character
  • Wilfred, son of Cedric the Saxon, is the title character of this Sir Walter Scott novel
  • Philadelphia philanthropist Rebecca Gratz was the inspiration for Rebecca in this Sir Walter Scott novel
  • In a free-for-all between 2 groups of knights, this title character is rescued from a tight spot by the Black Sluggard
  • It's the only Sir Walter Scott novel in which Robin appears
  • The first name of this Sir Walter Scott title character is Wilfred
  • It's an 1819 Sir Walter Scott novel
  • "I."by Sir Walter Scott
  • Cedric the Saxon,Rebecca,Lady Rowena
  • Wamba is a brave jester who risks his life to save his master Cedric in this Sir Walter Scott novel
  • This title Sir Walter Scott character is torn between Rebecca & the Saxon Rowena
  • Rowena has Saxon the brain in this 1819 work by Sir Walter Scott
  • The title character of this Sir Walter Scott novel appears for a joust as a disinherited knight
  • Ch. 5: This 1819 title boy gets girl (Rowena) & their pals leave England for Iberia