jean-jacques rousseau


We must confess, both this Frenchman's "Emile" & "The Social Contract" are listed

Trivia about jean-jacques rousseau

  • In "The Social Contract" he wrote, "Man was born free and he is everywhere in chains"
  • The Cult of the Supreme Being, based on this Swiss-French philosopher's deism was made an official religion
  • This French philosopher & author of "Confessions" was nicknamed "Melancholy Jacques"
  • Honest self-analysis distinguished the "confessions" of this Swiss-French author who died in 1778
  • He said his "Social Contract" was undertaken "without thinking of the limitations of my powers"
  • This French philosopher's 1762 novel "Emile" said that education should emphasize expression, not repression
  • This Swiss-French writer's 18th century political covenant "The Social Contract"