jews in nazi germany


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Tweets about jews in nazi germany

  • "Daily Life of Jews in Nazi Germany." Bump that lecture....what about something relevant, like "Daily Life of Brown Ppl in Zionist Israel"
  • A billionaire who compared a row about rich tech workers to the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany has apologised.
  • @ShelleyCara Some go as far as to compare the "plight" of religious Christians in the U.S with Jews in Nazi Germany! It's maddening!
  • the holocaust didn't happen to jews in nazi germany, it happened in USSR under jewish communism against NON JEWS. look it up.
  • @IsraeliRegime same thing done to Jews in Nazi Germany during there 12 years of darkness.
  • RT @k9leavings: People who still use an iPhone 4 should be exterminated like Jews in Nazi Germany.
  • @PattiKimble @JackieB23 @LawSelfDefense @reaper11b81 Oh really? Did you miss this part? 'Disarming Jews in Nazi Germany'
  • In the US, Muslims are being discriminated like Jews in Nazi Germany.
  • @WaterFdn no but i want the toxic sodium flouride out of all city water. Wasnt good for jews in nazi germany aint good for us
  • This is as evil as anybody supporting genocide of #Jews in #Nazi Germany or Tutsis in #Rwanda. #Israel #tcot #Gaza
  • @trill_pikachu @HGGolightly So he thinks gamers are like Jews in Nazi Germany. Um. I. Um. Am I missing something at all?
  • RT @righteconomist: Gandhian brand of non violence and his advice to Jews in Nazi Germany. @sarkar_swati
  • People who still use an iPhone 4 should be exterminated like Jews in Nazi Germany.
  • @CordovanSplotch @ElizabethHobso6 So the Jews in Nazi Germany really didn't have rights, as their govt didn't grant them? :)
  • @GerardEmershaw Racism as in the case for the Jews in Nazi Germany, is different than political prejudice.
  • @Flossieraptor been tweeting someone who argues that paedophiles are the modern day equivalent of Jews in Nazi Germany. Why do I do it?!
  • @Petersolorzano Or the reputation of the Jews in Nazi Germany. "They control our banks, why give them a fair representation?" #GamerGate
  • @612brisbane Will the G20 exclusives have to wear a cloth badge of shame like the Jews in Nazi Germany?
  • @JessicaMontell @CarolHakios chosen people with arian, nazi-style, palestinians with blacks or jews in nazi germany, BIZARRE¡¡
  • @marvswife I bet the jews in nazi Germany, the Ukrainians under Lenin, the Chinese under Mao wish they had crazy gun laws too. @Anniemenop
  • this muslim on tv is saying his religion get treated in britain like jews in nazi germany
  • RT @JewishBook: Why book burnings were crucial to the eradication of Jews in Nazi Germany: #BannedBooksWeek
  • Why book burnings were crucial to the eradication of Jews in Nazi Germany: #BannedBooksWeek
  • @AdamDBiggs @Whimsykayak @MrsAlisonClark exactly the kind of education Hitler provided about Jews in Nazi Germany
  • @deepfriedmeme not jews in nazi germany just students