joseph goebbels


He was minister of propaganda for the Nazi regime from 1933-45

Trivia about joseph goebbels

  • This clubfooted Nazi propagandist was born in Rheydt in 1897 & died in 1945
  • He was German propaganda minister from 1933 to 1945
  • 1921 Heidelberg University graduate seen here

Tweets about joseph goebbels

  • RT @alphabetsuccess: Behind its "people's sovereignty" the slyest cheaters are hiding, who don't want to be recognized. - Joseph Goebbels #…
  • @NumberMonkey69 @IDFSpokesperson @zaynxb @LWeisenburger Not forgetting Joseph Goebbels!
  • Journal, 1939-1942 Journal, 1939-1942Joseph Goebbels (Author)Buy new: CDN$ 69.95 CDN$ 5...
  • joseph goebbels didnt comment on this post, looks like mlg needs a new independent pr person
  • Behind its "people's sovereignty" the slyest cheaters are hiding, who don't want to be recognized. - Joseph Goebbels #quote
  • RT @AG_Conservative: Not going to link to @ggreenwald 's piece comparing Netanyahu and Joseph Goebbels, but wanted to remind everyone GG is…
  • RT @LolaPeleona: Joseph Goebbels [ Propaganda del Tercer Reich] - Los once principios de la propaganda… vía @M…
  • Joseph Goebbels [ Propaganda del Tercer Reich] - Los once principios de la propaganda… vía @MuevetXelCambio
  • @dcexaminer @LibertysArmyJr Makes sense. John Podesta looks like Paul Joseph Goebbels, really. He also looks like a ferret or a rat though
  • Not going to link to @ggreenwald 's piece comparing Netanyahu and Joseph Goebbels, but wanted to remind everyone GG is a despicable person.
  • HİTLER’in sağ kolu, Joseph Goebbels’in en önemli kuramıydı:"’öyle büyük yalan söyleyin ki, kimse karşı duracak cesareti bulamasın kendinde’’
  • lan adam chp'yi reyhanlı katliamının faili ilan etti nası bi yüzsüzlük lan. joseph goebbels duysa bu kadar kara propagandayı dumur olurdu aq
  • @AFPhq AFP for the 1 %-You people are the Joseph Goebbels of America. dis-information and lies
  • RT @Cacerolachilena: Se imagina en Alemania una Fundación Joseph Goebbels? O una Fundación Adolf Hitler? Así de absurdo es una Fundación Ja…
  • RT @Judios_Mexico: Oponerse a los #Judíos es cuestión de Higiene Personal. Dr. Joseph Goebbels.
  • "Kate Winslet, talking dirty to Anne Frank and Joseph Goebbels, just another normal day" @rickygervais #extras #hilarious #bestshow
  • RT @CarmineZozzora: @cannoneerfour @RWSurferGirl Calling propaganda arms of leftwing regimes "media" is like calling Joseph Goebbels an adv…
  • Se imagina en Alemania una Fundación Joseph Goebbels? O una Fundación Adolf Hitler? Así de absurdo es una Fundación Jaime Guzmán o Pinochet
  • @PompeuFava @ppcv @MppmPilar @ColomaFuster @AntoniCamps Te suena una mentira dicha mil veces se convierte en verdad??? Joseph Goebbels dixit
  • @TruthChanges @coton_luver @meetthepress Hiring Joseph Goebbels,
  • @DietKGB 86% is a number even Joseph Göbbels would be proud of. The propaganda machine in Russia is top notch...
  • RT @RogerHalsted: "Ripetete una #bugia cento, mille, un milione di volte e diventerà una #verità" Joseph Göbbels, politico tedesco http:…
  • RT @bloggi: @BBCKimGhattas @Stone_SkyNews @JohnKerry I guess, the #US has entered the Joseph Goebbels Reich of truth with concern to #gaza,…
  • @BBCKimGhattas @Stone_SkyNews @JohnKerry I guess, the #US has entered the Joseph Goebbels Reich of truth with concern to #gaza, #ukraine
  • RT @HK2307: Joseph Goebbels would be so proud Ayelet. This evil woman should be shamed amongst all mothers. #GazaUnderAttack
  • 거짓과 진실을 적절히 배합하면 100%의 거짓보다 더 큰 효과를 낸다. - Paul Joseph Goebbels
  • 사람들은 거짓을 처음엔 부정하고 나중엔 의심하시만 결국에는 믿게 된다. - Paul Joseph Goebbels
  • People say: I do not look Ukrainian TV. Misinformation and TV enters it simply to some trance.Joseph Goebbels such even did not dream.
  • @IamKrus однако, мы живем не в той стране, поэтому:
  • RT @dequepende: Joseph Goebbels sigue vivo, es judio y trabaja en el Ministerio de la "Única gran Verdad" del gobierno israelí.
  • @IamKrus дневники. много.
  • RT @habib102: @puremedias #CNN quel #honte c ce que vs appelez la #liberté d' #expression heuresement qu'on a RT @TV CNN = joseph Goebb…
  • @puremedias #CNN quel #honte c ce que vs appelez la #liberté d' #expression heuresement qu'on a RT @TV CNN = joseph Goebbels @nazisme
  • Joseph Goebbels sigue vivo, es judio y trabaja en el Ministerio de la "Única gran Verdad" del gobierno israelí.
  • Y citar a Joseph Goebbels... (fin del tweet)
  • RT @prena_: Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs" - Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
  • RT @PAF68: Amigos @RodP13 e @biacall8 estão adotando com o PT, a tática de Joseph Goebbels,onde uma ou + de 1 mentira contada 1.000 vzs vir…
  • Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs" - Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
  • Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs" - Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
  • #RepitaConmigoSñraAguirre Willi Münzenberg y Joseph Goebbels... Pero sin acento de mongola
  • Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels' Step-Grandchildren Are All Billionaires - WikimediaGoebbels with his...
  • "Ripetete una #bugia cento, mille, un milione di volte e diventerà una #verità" Joseph Göbbels, politico tedesco
  • Joseph Goebbels would be so proud Ayelet. This evil woman should be shamed amongst all mothers. #GazaUnderAttack
  • RT @Judios_Mexico: Joseph Goebbels: We had to choose between Surrender to them or to confront them. We Opted for the Second.
  • Amigos @RodP13 e @biacall8 estão adotando com o PT, a tática de Joseph Goebbels,onde uma ou + de 1 mentira contada 1.000 vzs virá verdade.
  • @steve_sez_3MTA3 @HeidiL_RN That's like expecting Joseph Goebbels to report on Hitler's flaws and weaknesses.
  • @theDIVAonIT What MSNBC did goes beyond the pale. That's Joseph Goebbels/Nazi propaganda right there.
  • "Uma mentira repetida mil vezes torna-se verdade" Joseph Goebbels
  • "Una mentira repetida adecuadamente mil veces se convierte en una verdad."- Paul Joseph Goebbels.
  • 1943年2月18日,正巧与纳粹宣传部长约瑟夫·戈培尔(Joseph Goebbels)在总体战演讲(Sportpalast speech)中召唤德国人民拥护总体战同一天,朔尔兄妹带着一整个手提箱的传单到了慕尼黑大学。