just catholic


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Tweets about just catholic

  • RT @MCITLFrAphorism: How about we decide it's an insult that women need to start aping men to have dignity, importance? @PhyllisZagano http…
  • RT @MCITLFrAphorism: Why for some is it completely outside the realm of possibility that a male priesthood could be other than misogynist? …
  • The Holy Father's correct: women actually do run the offices, rectories of many priests I know
  • RT @MCITLFrAphorism: How about we decide it's an insult that women need to start aping men to have dignity...
  • How about we decide it's an insult that women need to start aping men to have dignity, importance? @PhyllisZagano
  • Why for some is it completely outside the realm of possibility that a male priesthood could be other than misogynist?
  • RT @RorateCaeli: No sense of humor from @NCRonline, how shocking great interview, by the way, @francagiansol !
  • Epic sense of humour failure from @NCRonline when Pope laughs off charge of misogyny
  • No sense of humor from @NCRonline, how shocking great interview, by the way, @francagiansol !
  • The wrong kind of papal 'ribbing' | National Catholic Reporter: via @NCRonline