

Kilimanjaro with its three volcanic cones, Kibo, Mawenzi, an Shira, is an inactive stratovolcano in north-eastern Tanzania. Depending on definition, Kilimanjaro may be considered as having anywhere from the tallest to the fourth tallest free-standing mountain rise in the world, rising 4,600 m (15,100 ft) from its base, and is additionally the highest peak in Africa at 5,895 meters (19,340 ft), providing a dramatic view from the surrounding plains.

Trivia about kilimanjaro

  • In 1848 Johannes Rebmann became the first European to see & describe "the snows" of this African mountain
  • Hemingway's "The Snows of" this mountain was first published in Esquire in August 1936
  • The story "The Snows of" this African mountain first appeared in a 1936 Esquire spread
  • A Hemingway short story:"The Snows of" this mountain
  • Africa's highest mountain, it's primarily made up of 3 extinct volcanoes
  • At over 17,000 feet, Mount Kenya is eclipsed by only this other peak as the highest in Africa
  • In a Hemingway tale, Harry gets gangrene; before he dies, has a vision of flying in a plane toward this mountain
  • On May 11, 1848 Johannes Rebmann became the first European to see this snow-clad mountain on the Equator
  • Tanzania has 2 mountains over 14,000 feet: Meru & this one
  • Shira is the westernmost of the 3 extinct volcanoes that make up this highest peak in Africa
  • Ararat,Kilimanjaro,Matterhorn
  • In the photo seen here, it's the snow-laced mountain in the background

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