

The parsec (symbol pc) is a unit of length, equal to just over 30 trillion kilometres. The parsec is use in astronomy, and its length is based on the method of trigonometric parallax, one of the oldest methods for measuring the distances to stars.

Tweets about kiloparsec

  • The kiloparsec-scale star formation law at redshift 4: wide-spread, highly efficient star formation... #astronomy
  • The kiloparsec-scale star formation law at redshift 4: wide-spread, highly efficient star format... #astrophysics
  • The kiloparsec-scale star formation law at redshift 4: wide-spread, highly efficient star formation in the dust...
  • The kiloparsec-scale star formation law at redshift 4: wide-spread, highly efficient star formation in theā€¦
  • 1 kiloparsec de flojera XDDDDDD