

27 to 37.5 million

Trivia about kurds

  • Numbering about 25 million, they're the largest ethnic group in the world with no home nation
  • Roughly 75 percent of Iraq's people are Arabs & 20 percent are of this ethnic group
  • Living mostly "whey" up north, they are Iraq's largest ethnic minority
  • In 1999 Turkish operatives captured Abdullah Ocalan, a guerrilla leader of this minority group
  • Over a million members of this ethnic group had to flee their homes in Iraq in the '90s
  • At around 20% in each country, this ethnic group is the largest minority in both Turkey & Iraq
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map of Iraq on the monitor.) Sulaymaniyah Province, dominated by this ethnic group, is friendly ground for Americans--just don't get too close to Iran, as three hikers did in 2009
  • With more than 10% of the population, they form Turkey's largest minority ethnic group