

The term lance has become a catchall for a variety of ifferent pole weapons based on the spear. The name is derived from lancea, Roman auxiliaries' javelin, although according to the OED, the word may be of Iberian origin.

Trivia about lance

  • A bracket on the chest positioned this 12-foot spear that could be driven through another knight's armor
  • Judge Ito, or a weapon
  • To open or pierce with the surgical instrument of the same name
  • Thou art lucky this my weapon hath a safety tip called a coronal; else thoud'st be unbreath'd as well as unhors'd
  • In the U.S. Marines, if you're one rank below corporal, you're this type of corporal
  • To become skilled using this long spear, a squire would practice against a wooden dummy called a quintain

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