latin names


By the Republican era an throughout the Imperial era, a name in ancient Rome for a male citizen consisted of three parts (tria nomina): praenomen (given name), nomen (gentile) (name of the gens or clan) and cognomen (name of a family line within the gens). The nomen, and later, cognomen were virtually always hereditary. Women usually did not have the praenomen and agnomen (nickname), which were normally distinct and not necessarily hereditary (unless the parents chose to).

Tweets about latin names

  • @ImmortalStrife Sorry I'm roman so the Latin names come first. But whatever floats your boat
  • @Cheffry4 @MrBostonLee lol there were those in my country too, but with latin names of course
  • Idiots guide to Scientific/Latin names:
  • @Andrewg32 I hoped you ordered the plants, using only the latin names.
  • Sci-fi trope: in the grim darkness of the far future, humans insist on giving everything Latin names but never bother checking the grammar.
  • Why can't they just kope the whole system and incorporate the latin names too geez
  • Does @veseys sell lovage? Checked both common/latin names and nothing popped up. Am I looking it up with the wrong names? Thanks!
  • others whose Latin names are not so familiar.
  • @BirdLife_News is there a list of all the birds (incl Latin names, family, species etc) to download?
  • Trying to write haiku's based on random wikipedia articles. So far, quite tricky. So many latin names for plants and bugs!!
  • ELI5: Why do we still give animals Latin names?
  • @Leandrarae found some Tokai and others that the guides knew by latin names.
  • Update: Plant Dictionary Common and Latin Names (Reference) #ios #apps
  • @andrewdunning I am impressed by your Latin names, I am lucky if I can remember the Danish ones :-)
  • Latin Names for Movie Stars #BadJeopardyCategories @midnight
  • Historic Pig Latin Names #BadJeopardyCategories
  • Latin names be playin. Smh.
  • #bloomberg Six Californias? Here's What to Call Them - Some Latin names to lend gravitas to the proposed new Calif...