Law is a system of rules, usually enforce through a set of institutions. It shapes politics, economics and society in numerous ways. Contract law regulates everything from buying a bus ticket to trading swaptions on a derivatives market. Property law defines rights and obligations related to transfer and title of personal and real property, for instance, in mortgaging or renting a home. Trust law applies to assets held for investment and financial security, such as pension funds. Tort law allows claims for compensation when someone or their property is injured or harmed. If the harm is criminalised in a penal code, criminal law offers means by which the state prosecutes and punishes the perpetrator. Constitutional law provides a framework for creating laws, protecting people's human rights, and electing political representatives. Administrative law relates to the activities of administrative agencies of government. International law regulates affairs between sovereign nation-states in everything from trade to the environment to military action. "The rule of law", wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in 350 BC, "is better than the rule of any individual."

Trivia about law

  • Lenin got a degree in this in 1891, then went on to court a lot of trouble
  • In 1787 Jackson set up his office to practice this in McLeansville, North Carolina
  • Thomas More learned this profession at London's Lincoln Inn
  • Legend says Abe became interested in this profession when he found Blackstone's "Commentaries" in a rubbish barrel
  • Missouri:"Salus populi suprema lex esto"--"The welfare of the people shall be the supreme" this
  • Missouri's motto "Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto" means the people's welfare shall be the supreme this
  • Vladimir Lenin was admitted to the bar & practiced this profession in Samara in 1892; many of his clients were peasants
  • The field in which the honorary degree LL.D. is awarded
  • T.S. Eliot: "Macavity's a mystery cat: he's called the hidden paw--for he's the master criminal who can defy" this
  • After leaving school to foment unrest, Castro returned to get a degree in this
  • You may file a writ of habeas corpus for your client if you decide to go into this profession
  • "America! America! God mend thine every flaw/ Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in" this
  • John Paul Stevens went to the U. of C. & later lectured there on this subject
  • You can earn a J.D. degree online, preparing you to practice in this field
  • The University of North Dakota's "Lux et Lex" means "Light and" this
  • Nebraska:"Equality before the" this
  • Under this field, Jefferson includes Kames' "Principles of Equity" & Blackstone's "Commentaries"
  • ...The LSAT, administered 4 times a year
  • Canon & criminal are types of this