

A lekythos (plural lekythoi) is a type of Greek pottery use for storing oil, especially olive oil. It has a narrow body and one handle attached to the neck of the vessel. The lekythos was used for anointing dead bodies of unmarried men and many lekythoi are found in tombs. The images on lekythoi were often depictions of daily activities or rituals. Because they are so often used in funerary situations, they may also depict funerary rites, a scene of loss, or a sense of departure as a form of funerary art. These drawings are usually outline drawings that are quite expressionless and somber in appearance. The decoration of these ceramic vessels consists of a dull red and black paint. These colors may have been derived from the Bronze Age, but were not used until 530 B.C. in Athens. Many artists of these vessels attempt to add more color to the figures, but end up abandoning the idea as to leave more of a contrast. These vessels were very popular circa the 5th century B.C., however there are many that have been found dating all the way back to 700 B.C.

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