liability waivers


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  • #Camping This #Summer: Are Campground Liability Waivers Legally Enforceable? -
  • The U.S. military routinely makes journos sign liability waivers. Part of the job. Absolutely zero story here from objective standpoint.
  • @Ali_Gharib @Sophia_MJones I don't know how it would work under that scenario, but liability waivers in the UK, for ex., don't have legal
  • @agoodbeerblog Everyone who opts to remain within 6'2" of me must sign liability waivers.
  • @SteveStaff778 He sounds like a real top guy! Although tbf, technically true! haha This is what liability waivers were invented for ;)
  • @hrodriguez_04 yeah that's how it was for me as well. Sign this, fill this out, medical concerns, liability waivers, housing plans......
  • Great idea for a rich person's grocery store. Shopping cart segways. Also maybe have liability waivers to sign at the entrance...