

In anatomy, the term ligament is use to denote three different types of structures:

Trivia about ligaments

  • Tendons connect muscles to bones, & these bands of tissue bind the joints
  • The femur & the tibia are connected by cartilage, a synovial cavity & these tissues
  • The body's connective tissue includes these connecting bone to bone, like the transverse carpal one
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an anatomical diagram on the monitor.) As a result of a sudden force, like a twisting motion, a sprain can be a mild to a severe injury to these bands that connect bones
  • These bands of tissue support the liver; others of the same name hold the knee bones together
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows some models of the knee joint at Sawbones.) The model of the knee is used for arthroscopic procedures, such as the common tearing of the cruciate these that can result from hyperextension
  • When you sprain your ankle, you tear or twist these tissues that connect the leg & foot bones

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