

The lightsaber is a fictional weapon that plays a key role in the movies, games an novels that constitute the Star Wars universe. Lightsabers are science fiction versions of their namesake, the saber. Instead of a metal blade, the lightsaber holds an energy blade about one meter in length. Lightsabers differ in color based upon the specific crystal used in construction. Though they often behave like regular swords, they are able to cut through most matter with little or no resistance and to deflect blaster bolts, Force Lightning thrown by Sith Lords, and other lightsabers.

Trivia about lightsabers

  • A pair of these weapons used by Mark Hamill & David Prowse each sold for over $100,000 at an auction in 2005

Tweets about lightsabers

  • RT @Darth_VaderSW: Retweet if you still pretend flashlights are lightsabers.
  • The spray cans make the refs look like they're carrying lightsabers.
  • Im my son's world, of course Lego Spider Man would borrow two lightsabers from Lego Anakin to defeat Lego Doc Ock.
  • RT @DarthVaderAna: Star Wars: Making people pretend flashlights are lightsabers since 1977
  • RT @GrumpyCatsPaw: How do we not have Lightsabers yet? It's like scientists aren't even trying.
  • RT @AdiemFilm: Here's a screenshot of some post-production work for my new StarWars short film. Man I love lightsabers! #filmmaking
  • LEGO STAR WARS MINI FIGURE Minifigures LOT with Blasters, Lightsabers! -
  • star wars wii game with lightsabers >> #xboxone #xbox360 #ps4 #wii #wiiu #psp #playstation
  • Luke: Lightsabers cut through anything. Ninja: So does a samurai sword. L: But does it make a cool noise? N: *cuts off Luke’s other hand*
  • I still have those mini lightsabers you know 🌝 (last rt)
  • Retweet if you still pretend flashlights are lightsabers.
  • I only trust people with red lightsabers.
  • Lightsabers > Wands
  • The 5th rule of Fight Club is: no lightsabers.
  • Shirtless mirror pics with lightsabers
  • If days were weapons, Fridays would be lightsabers.
  • For every RT this gets, $1 will be donated to inventing lightsabers.
  • The Vans Star Wars Collection through Alexis Gross's lens: lightsabers and desert dust.
  • Sticks and stones may break my bones, but lightsabers will seriously hurt me.
  • Reasons to join the Dark Side: 1. Force choking 2. Lightsabers 3. Cookies
  • Lightsabers are the bacon of weapons.
  • How do we not have lightsabers yet? It's like scientists aren't even trying.
  • RT @DictatorHitler: How do we not have lightsabers yet? It's like scientists aren't even trying.
  • RT @DarthVaderPosts: Playing with lightsabers is like texting with your ex, it's fun but very dangerous.