line item veto


In government, the line-item veto is the power of an executive to nullify or "cancel" specific provisions of a bill, usually buget appropriations, without vetoing the entire legislative package. The line-item vetoes are usually subject to the possibility of legislative override as are traditional vetoes.

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Tweets about line item veto

  • .@BarackObama My Republican bff said he'd convert if you line item #veto the Dodd Frank revisions. 🇺🇸
  • RT @gmspolitics: It's time to revisit line item veto for the president #CRomnibus
  • RT @jrgaillot: It's time to revisit line item veto for the president #CRomnibus
  • It's time to revisit line item veto for the president #CRomnibus
  • RT @cheezwitham: If anyone ever wondered WHY we NEED Line Item Veto I give you #CRomnibus too bad PBO can't scratch out Citcorp written c…
  • If anyone ever wondered WHY we NEED Line Item Veto I give you #CRomnibus too bad PBO can't scratch out Citcorp written crap!#GOPSucks
  • @UniteBlue @Lib Dems @BlueNationUntd @350 @LibCrib We have today only 2 fill POTUS email inbox asking he use line item veto Citibank&Camp $
  • RT @PoliticalAnt: .@BarackObama Don't sign this #CRomnibus bill with #Citigroup taxpayer funded bank bailouts rider attached. Line item vet…
  • @seanbnbad Sadly, there is no line-item veto.
  • .@TammaraMaiden1 @BarackObama No, that's saying it is possible for Obama to line-item veto bad parts of the #CRomnibus. If so,I hope he does
  • @PoliticalAnt @BarackObama I thought POTUS did have line item veto authority. Citigroup rider is so horrendous, why would he not use it??
  • .@BarackObama Don't sign this #CRomnibus bill with #Citigroup taxpayer funded bank bailouts rider attached. Line item veto it,if possible.
  • Can't President Obama line-item veto the Wall Street provision & the increase in campaign funding? @BarackObama @WhiteHouse
  • RT @TruthTeamOne: @AlgebraPoints @GetWisdomDude @GallopingGOP Thank you for that! I've been thinking POTUS should have line item veto, didn…
  • @CoryBooker Can President Obama line item veto anything in #CRominbus?
  • @CoryBooker can Pres Obama line item veto anything in #CRominbus?
  • Senate now voted for this budget & it will go to Obama. Can he line item veto? Just wondering? I don’t know much about how that works.
  • @BreakingNews @cspan So #CitigroupShutdown didn't happen? Wish we had line item VETO
  • Once again, we see why a line-item veto is needed at the federal level #CRomnibus
  • @AlgebraPoints @GetWisdomDude @GallopingGOP Thank you for that! I've been thinking POTUS should have line item veto, didn't know SCOTUS case
  • Will @BarackObama line-item veto #CRominbus ?
  • @GetWisdomDude @GallopingGOP Mr. President it is time to use your line item veto, then make them do it over...
  • Hooray for the line-item veto! Hopefully Obama uses it on the crap snuck in... (see
  • Line item veto is necessary.
  • @GetWisdomDude @GallopingGOP line-Item veto authorizes a chief executive to reject particular provisions of a bill enacted by a legislature
  • RT @_belle_curve_: President Clinton applied the line-item veto to the federal budget 82 times.
  • @Libertea2012 @mterry337 not to be ignorant but couldn't he line item veto?
  • @WBUR if ever line item Veto needed it would be for embarresing unrelated monies and cuts in #SpendingBill
  • @WhiteHouse Mr. Pres., it's time for some line item veto on the budget. Tax them into submission. Tip
  • @ralfmentality @RepublicanSwine @MoveOn Why can't we give the president line-item veto power?
  • @jeanniemcbride For once, I'm glad there isn't a line item veto.
  • RT @Gypsi_fw: @BarackObama Do NOT sign the spending bill unless you line item veto or senate removes repeal of Dodd Frank & Apache land sw…
  • @kwcradd @surface I'll add it to the budget and see if it avoids the dreaded line item veto.
  • This damn #fiscal-#disaster-waiting-to-happen #cromnibus makes the case f/ presidential line-item veto. #uppers
  • RT @southernavril: @cspanwj @SenBobCorker We need a line item veto. Wall Street vs. Common People. I vote for the common man. #NoPork
  • @cspanwj @SenBobCorker We need a line item veto. Wall Street vs. Common People. I vote for the common man. #NoPork
  • I'm happy that @KenBlockRI plans to go after line-item-veto for RI, Go get'em, Ken! #Time4LineRI
  • @BarackObama Do NOT sign the spending bill unless you line item veto or senate removes repeal of Dodd Frank & Apache land swap.@femmekatz
  • RT @DSchwara: @TurnKyBlue @ThomasJankow @BarackObama can he do line item veto?
  • @JoyAnnReid @Rach_S Unless Prez has line item veto!! keep the good, line veto the pension take back & Wall St. benefits..
  • @TurnKyBlue @ThomasJankow @BarackObama can he do line item veto?
  • @seanhannity @SenRandPaul does a president have line item veto power?
  • @JoyAnnReid we needed the Line Item Veto!
  • @InaMaziarcz A good read
  • RT @RationalActor: @AntarianRani @BarackObama Line item veto was ruled unconstitutional. Has to be accepted or vetoed in entirety.
  • RT @_belle_curve_: @AntarianRani @FroodyWisco line item veto was ruled unconstitutional.. probably due to wall street influence in washingt…
  • @AntarianRani @BarackObama Line item veto was ruled unconstitutional. Has to be accepted or vetoed in entirety.
  • I have a sneaking suspicion that Barry Obama is going to attempt to unilaterally invoke line item veto by executive decree.
  • @Politicolnews If you're talking line item veto apparently there isn't one. @SenWarren