literary movements


This is a list of moern literary movements: that is, movements after the Renaissance. These terms, helpful for curricula or anthologies, evolved over time to group writers who are often loosely related. Some of these movements (such as Dada and Beat) were defined by the members themselves, while other terms (the metaphysical poets, for example) emerged decades or centuries after the periods in question. Ordering is approximate, as there is considerable overlap.

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  • @Sami_Robbinson literary movements & lunch (-;
  • I got my literary movements teacher way off topic😈
  • @LAURENH0WARD literary movements
  • If you're interested in censorship or literature of the FBI or publishing or literary movements: via @readermagazine
  • I think it's one of the most important literary movements of the day. But when a lot of the product only caters to part of it's audience 2/?
  • I forgot how much I love Beat Poetry how can people talk about literary movements and not talk about Beat Poetry