

Loki or Loke is a go or giant in Norse mythology. The 13th century Icelandic Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, two of the very few sources of information regarding the figure, inconsistently place him among the Æsir, as his blood-brotherhood makes him a member of Odin's family. Although frequently mentioned in 13th century Icelandic sources, it is generally believed by scholars that it is unlikely that Loki was ever worshipped.

Trivia about loki

  • This evil Norse trickster god became blood brother to Odin
  • This sneaky Norse god was responsible for the plot that led to Balder's death
  • This "God of Mischief" & trickster clashed with Thor many times attempting to claim the throne of Asgard
  • In a rare act of kindness, this mischief maker helped Thor retrieve his stolen hammer
  • In Norse myth, this god known for his trickery is the father of Hel, goddess of the underworld
  • I may be a trickster god, but I actually helped Thor get his hammer back after Thrym the frost giant stole it
  • This Norse trickster liked to turn himself into a salmon & frolic in Franang's Falls
  • Responsible for killing off the Norse god Balder via mistletoe, this trickster god often appeared as an old woman
  • This trickster shouldn't have stolen Sif's golden hair; he had to replace it with real gold
  • The killing of the god of sunlight by this Norse god of mischief caused long winter nights
  • This trickster accompanied Thor to retrieve Thor's hammer from the giant Thrym
  • Norse:LK
  • The father of Hel, he exasperated the other Norse gods enough that they chained him to a rock
  • This mischief-maker was up to his old tricks when he stole Freya's necklace
  • In the final battle of good & evil, called Ragnarok, this trickster will lead the giants against the gods