

The loons (e.g. North America) or ivers (e.g. UK/Ireland) are a group of aquatic birds found in many parts of North America and northern Europe. A loon is the size of a large duck or small goose, which it somewhat resembles in shape when swimming.

Trivia about loon

  • Bird name that completes the simile "Crazy as a ...."
  • The saying "Crazy as" this water bird arose from the strange, laughing calls of the common type
  • This "crazy" state bird of Minnesota is also called the great northern diver
  • This "crazy" state bird is also called the Great Northern Diver
  • So this crazy bird wandered into a saloon...
  • Though this diving bird has a weird, laughing cry, it isn’t really crazy
  • As crazy as it sounds, Ontario's official bird is the common this
  • This common bird of North America is featured on a Canadian coin