lower abdomen pain


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Tweets about lower abdomen pain

  • Lower abdomen pain is the worst, I know it's not Chromes Disease though so thank the Gods.
  • Ladies: Convinced the chronic lower abdomen pain is b/c you bumped into something? It could be a sign of #OvarianCancer. GO TO YOUR OBGYN!!
  • Ladies: Convinced the chronic lower abdomen pain is b/c your belt is too tight? It could be a sign of #OvarianCancer. GO TO YOUR OBGYN!!
  • Ladies: Convinced the chronic lower abdomen pain is from sleeping wrong? It could be a sign of #OvarianCancer. GO TO YOUR OBGYN!!
  • Really glad I'm going to the doctor's on Tuesday, I keep having really bad lower abdomen pain that doesn't seem to be prompted by anything.