lung diseases


Respiratory Disease is the term for iseases of the respiratory system. These include diseases of the lung, pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, upper respiratory tract and of the nerves and muscles of breathing. Respiratory disease ranges from mild and self-limiting such as the common cold to life-threatening such as bacterial pneumonia or pulmonary embolism. They are a common and important cause of illness and death. In the US, Adults average between 2 and 4 colds a year, children between 6 and 10. One in seven people in the UK is affected by some form of chronic lung disease, most commonly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma . Respiratory disease is responsible for over 10% of hospitalizations and over 16% of deaths in Canada. The study of respiratory disease is known as pulmonology. A doctor who specializes in respiratory disease is known as a pulmonologist, a chest medicine specialist, a respiratory medicine specialist, a respirologist or a thoracic medicine specialist.

Tweets about lung diseases

  • This year, we're continuing partnerships w/ like-minded orgs & funding #research for various lung diseases #lungs
  • Our Grandmothers Know Best - Traditional Remedy For Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases
  • RT @LungAssociation: We're supporting $9Million in research to advance understanding & further fight against #lung diseases
  • RT @ArcoSafety: Regularly breathing in construction dust over a long period of time can cause life changing lung diseases.
  • People with lung diseases more frequently affected by bowel problems vía @univadis_es
  • RT @getgutsycanada: Released today, study shows people w/ lung diseases have higher incidence of #Crohns or #colitis.
  • I wonder if I'm at a higher risk to lung diseases now.
  • Inhalers #asthma #td4lungs #joomla
  • @shiverwhen Yes! Eesh. I have enough trouble transcribing technical topics (invasive species, lung diseases) in one language.
  • Learn how to use your asthma inhalers #td4lungs
  • kenn ich auch, wenn ich mich erkälte, macht mein Mann mir Zwiebelsuppe
  • @icarogelio13 yeah too bad they forget about lung diseases!
  • Nenek kamu dokter hebat dan bijak. Jangan salah!
  • RT @aishaalbar: @nurseksa2 lung diseases patients
  • @nurseksa2 lung diseases patients
  • Very interesting!
  • Our Grandmothers Know Best: Traditional Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases via @sharethis
  • Some of the most common conditions are different lung diseases or disorders, asthma, various types o
  • Released today, study shows people w/ lung diseases have higher incidence of #Crohns or #colitis. #makeitstopforlife
  • RT @solafajana: 8. Some diseases that can irritate the nerves that supplies the diaphragm (e.g. liver disease, pneumonia &other lung diseas…
  • Might have to try this
  • Easy to make!
  • #OpenAccess article: Pulmonary Rehabilitation Increases Gait Speed in Patients With Chronic Lung Diseases #COPD
  • Restrictive lung diseases – The Preventions
  • What is Sarcoidosis? - The Mount Sinai Hospital
  • via @weebly
  • RT @ClockHouseDrs: In Clinic Today: Dr Shakil Rahman, Respiratory Consultant & specialist in asthma, COPD & lung diseases
  • In Clinic Today: Dr Shakil Rahman, Respiratory Consultant & specialist in asthma, COPD & lung diseases #Epsom #Surrey
  • This is true #LRT - but whether Africans should be proud about selling lung diseases to the world is a whole other question!
  • Today I heard a FM Radio .... It says , are you having COPD and lung diseases ... Visit this (X) (cont)
  • Learn more about the Angelos Center for Lung Diseases, visit: #lungdisease #AskMedStar #MedStarFranklinSquare
  • Pulmonary function tests are useful in diagnosis and monitoring of #COPD or restrictive lung diseases
  • How is my mum wishing that I get lung diseases so I get put off smoking😂
  • In the last 50 yrs, 3.8 million people have died from lung diseases caused by smoking.
  • RT @CDCTobaccoFree: A6: In the last 50 yrs, 3.8 million people have died from lung diseases caused by smoking. #20million #COPDChat
  • Smoking increases the risk of lung diseases. #GreatAmericanSmokeout
  • @Snorlocke But the cancurrr. ;-; and the lung diseases ;-; once you start its hard to stop, extremely hard.
  • Great American Smokeout, Countdown to #QuitSmoking. Reason #2 Smoking greatly increases your risk of lung diseases, emphysema & bronchitis
  • A6: In the last 50 yrs, 3.8 million people have died from lung diseases caused by smoking. #20million #COPDChat
  • RT @COPDFoundation: A1: It describes progressive lung diseases & also includes refractory (non-reversible) asthma, & some forms of bronchie…
  • A1: It describes progressive lung diseases & also includes refractory (non-reversible) asthma, & some forms of bronchiectasis. #COPDchat
  • RT @BoehringerUK: #COPD is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Find out more:
  • RT @CristaeBariBari: COPD refers to a group of lung diseases that block air flow and make breathing difficult (mayoclinic, 2014) #WorldCOPD…
  • COPD refers to a group of lung diseases that block air flow and make breathing difficult (mayoclinic, 2014) #WorldCOPDday
  • #COPD is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Find out more:
  • A message from James P. Kiley, Ph.D., director of the Division of Lung Diseases at the National Heart, Lung, and...
  • #COPD is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory asthma, and more.
  • Did U know? COPD is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema + chronic obstructive airways disease